Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Yoga has a huge amount of health benefits, mentally and physically. Aside from the obvious ways yoga can physically improve a person's lifestyle, yoga can be used as an alternative medicine for health problems such as depression. For example, by practicing certain poses, one can reinforce certain feelings, and eliminate others. Just from taking yoga classes regularly  I can already feel a difference in my mood and anxiety. I also liked learning about Ayerveda in class and found it really interesting how everybody has a different way of using diet and exercise to heal themselves.I also thought it was interesting that different parts of the world have all different ideas of yoga. Some yoga practices don't focus on the benefits of the physical body at all and only focus on the mind and spirit. Whereas places like America focus mostly on the physical aspects of it, along with the mind. If you ask me, I think yoga always benefits the mind, body, and spirit, and I plan to continue it throughout my life!

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